FIDO’s K’Gari E-News 13

There has been a huge amount of activity swirling around FIDO since the issue of our MOONBI newsletter last month. Many projects such as the hugely successful Easter Cassia Blitz at Happy Valley came to fruition after almost a year on planning.  Other long anticipated activities such as our proposed Northern Cooloola BioBlitz have finally received the requisite permits to enable the first to proceed 24-26 August. 

This newsletter is providing a heads-up on how FIDO’s diverse campaigns and projects are progressing. 

Other activities FIDO have been engaged in include:

  • developing a very comprehensive submission to the Fraser Coast Regional Council on the future of waste management on K’gari;
  • moving ahead with planning for the 2019 Community Collaborations and Culture Conference that FIDO is collaborating with the Butchulla Aboriginal Corporation to organize.;
  • following up the research needed on Great Sandy Strait to convince the authorities on the potential environmental damage that might result if the proposed Colton Coal mine proceeds;
  • participating in the rich flow of new information, ideas and thinking flowing from the University of the Sunshine Coasts K’gari Symposium at their Fraser Coast Campus on 7-8 June;
  • producing a presentation on the History of Contestation for the Symposium that is now about to go on line.;
  • completing a comprehensive Easter Cassia Blitz that has obliterated this colourful and conspicuous invasive weed that has spread into Happy Valley’s surrounding bush;
  • planning ahead for the future of FIDO with a professional CEO and with the administrative core being much closer to K’gari to have our ears much closer to the ground when playing our watchdog role.

There is much happening as you will as you get fuller summaries reading this E-Newsletter.

Download FIDO’s K’Gari E-News 13

Details about the K’gari World Heritage Area Photo Competition