Cultural Heritage

Aboriginal History Radio-carbon dating of cultural material has established that Aborigines were resident as long ago as 5,500 years BP (before present).  It is possible that evidence of earlier occupation may still lay entombed in the sands of the Great Sandy Region. Age determination by radio carbon dating placed the time of formation of the Continue reading

Great Sandy Soils

Fraser Island and the adjoining Cooloola sandmass (covering a total of approximately 200,000 hectares) consist almost entirely of quartz sands that have accumulated during episodic periods of dune building in the Quaternary.  At least eight dune systems have been identified at Cooloola and nine systems at Fraser Island marking separate episodes of deposition above sea Continue reading

Proposed Feasibility Study for a Fraser Island Light Rail

Proposed Feasibility Study for a Fraser Island Light Rail between Kingfisher and Eurong Resorts with stops at Lake McKenzie (Boorangoora) and Central Station 1st October 2015 Throughout its 44-year history FIDO has always operated on a shoe-string and we don’t intend to abandon our thrift ethic as a result of a very generous bequest made Continue reading