John Sinclair had completed writing his book before his death in February 2019, the manuscript was edited and published in June 2024. The book was launched at the John Sinclair Memorial Lecture by Bob Brown on 15 June 2024. “John Sinclair stands tall … as one of the great environmental achievers of his time. This Continue reading
Volunteers Establish a New Nature Walk on Fraser Island
Media Release 28th February, 2016 Over the past week volunteers from the Fraser Island Defenders Organisation have worked to establish a new Nature Walk in the middle of Eurong to help people appreciate some of Fraser Island’s outstanding natural values. The 450 metre long walk that traces the path of a former sandblow was Continue reading
Badging Fraser Island (K’Gari)
During 2014-15 FIDO and Gympie Graphics developed a logo to describe Fraser Island (Kgari)’s natural values. It is hoped that this new logo will be taken up to ensure that Fraser Island (K’Gari) is as well badged as other iconic World Heritage sites in Australia. FIDO is claiming no copyright and no royalties for the Continue reading
Cultural Heritage
Aboriginal History Radio-carbon dating of cultural material has established that Aborigines were resident as long ago as 5,500 years BP (before present). It is possible that evidence of earlier occupation may still lay entombed in the sands of the Great Sandy Region. Age determination by radio carbon dating placed the time of formation of the Continue reading
Fraser Island — A Personal Discovery
Reflections by John Sinclair, AO on his love of Fraser Island (K’Gari) There are the qualities of ocean-side wilderness – which Fraser Island does so particularly represent and the water, the lakes and the rain forest. They give a sense of awe, I think, of sensitivity towards the landscape and I feel that sense of Continue reading
Quotes Describing Fraser Island
From Historical Documents and Literature From its earliest days FIDO has sought to collect any written records which might give a clue to what constitutes Fraser Island’s integrity. FIDO has also tried to gather in as many old photographs as possible to provide a visual guide to integrity. As far as possible FIDO has sought Continue reading
Light Rail on Fraser Island
A History of Fraser Island Tramways John Kerr As the Fraser Island Transport and Access study proceeded during 2001-02 interest in light rail on Fraser Island increased. Many people would be unaware that light rail was used on Fraser Island by the timber industry from 1905 until about 1935 when it was displaced by motor Continue reading
A History of Aborigines of Fraser Island
Aborigines have occupied all of Australia, including what is now Fraser Island, for more than 50,000 years. Since Fraser Island became an island with rising sea levels over 6,000 years ago, it has been a very productive territory and home to thousands at a time. Since the 1850s, following European settlement of the adjacent mainland, Continue reading