Discovering Great Sandy Region Chapter 5 Animals of the Dunes The animals of Fraser Island and Cooloola are not readily apparent to the casual observer. The most obvious are birds and dingoes. Despite the obscurity of the fauna it presents an impressive range to those with the patience to explore and discover. This is because Continue reading
Educational Articles on Fraser Island
Fraser Island — A Personal Discovery
Reflections by John Sinclair, AO on his love of Fraser Island (K’Gari) There are the qualities of ocean-side wilderness – which Fraser Island does so particularly represent and the water, the lakes and the rain forest. They give a sense of awe, I think, of sensitivity towards the landscape and I feel that sense of Continue reading
Great Sandy Soils
Fraser Island and the adjoining Cooloola sandmass (covering a total of approximately 200,000 hectares) consist almost entirely of quartz sands that have accumulated during episodic periods of dune building in the Quaternary. At least eight dune systems have been identified at Cooloola and nine systems at Fraser Island marking separate episodes of deposition above sea Continue reading
Marine areas of Hervey Bay and Great Sandy Strait
Most of the marine areas of Tin Can Bay, Great Sandy Strait and Hervey Bay formed behind the large coastal dune fields of Fraser Island and Cooloola sand masses when the sea level rose to its present level about 7000 years ago. The waters of Great Sandy Region are protected from southerlies through to easterlies Continue reading
Proposed Feasibility Study for a Fraser Island Light Rail
Proposed Feasibility Study for a Fraser Island Light Rail between Kingfisher and Eurong Resorts with stops at Lake McKenzie (Boorangoora) and Central Station 1st October 2015 Throughout its 44-year history FIDO has always operated on a shoe-string and we don’t intend to abandon our thrift ethic as a result of a very generous bequest made Continue reading
Light Rail Proposal 2015
The Case Fraser Island Light Rail Feasibility Study First drafted in 2004 and updated February 2015 Transportation on Fraser Island has long been a concern for FIDO. The increasing size of the buses has led to widening of the roads. This has led to loss of canopy, desiccation, and erosion in heavy rainfall events. FIDO Continue reading
Quotes Describing Fraser Island
From Historical Documents and Literature From its earliest days FIDO has sought to collect any written records which might give a clue to what constitutes Fraser Island’s integrity. FIDO has also tried to gather in as many old photographs as possible to provide a visual guide to integrity. As far as possible FIDO has sought Continue reading
Background Information on Great Sandy Biosphere
What is a Biosphere? Biosphere reserves are sites recognised under UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Program that innovate and demonstrate approaches to conservation and sustainable development. They serve as ‘living laboratories’ for testing and demonstrating integrated management of land, water and biodiversity. The program was launched in 1971. They are endorsed by national governments based on a submission Continue reading
A Draft Dingo Management Strategy for Fraser Island
For more than 28 years, the Fraser Island Defenders Organisation has been researching the management of Fraser Island to be in the best position to advocate the wisest use of its natural resources. The organisation has a longer history associated with the management than any other organisation, including the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and Continue reading
Fraser Island Visitor Statistics
A Five Year “Progress” Chart Permit Type 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Permits People Permits People Permits People Permits People Permits People (1 month) permits 30,588 111,199 33,202 120,323 33,713 122,797 35,061 128,434 36,476 130,163 (12 month) permits 403 N/A 403 N/A 370 N/A 353 N/A 267 N/A Permits to camp 20,093 81,849 20,087 82,765 Continue reading