Proposed Feasibility Study for a Fraser Island Light Rail

Proposed Feasibility Study for a Fraser Island Light Rail between Kingfisher and Eurong Resorts with stops at Lake McKenzie (Boorangoora) and Central Station 1st October 2015 Throughout its 44-year history FIDO has always operated on a shoe-string and we don’t intend to abandon our thrift ethic as a result of a very generous bequest made Continue reading

Fraser Island Visitor Statistics

A Five Year “Progress” Chart Permit Type 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Permits People Permits People Permits People Permits People Permits People (1 month) permits 30,588 111,199 33,202 120,323 33,713 122,797 35,061 128,434 36,476 130,163 (12 month) permits 403 N/A 403 N/A 370 N/A 353 N/A 267 N/A Permits to camp 20,093 81,849 20,087 82,765 Continue reading