Saving K’gari: The Campaign to save an island by John Sinclair

John Sinclair had completed writing his book before his death in February 2019, the manuscript was edited and published in June 2024.  The book was launched at the John Sinclair Memorial Lecture by Bob Brown on 15 June 2024. “John Sinclair stands tall … as one of the great environmental achievers of his time. This Continue reading


The FIDO publishing team have finished compiling and editing MOONBI 140 which is available now. Download MOONBI 140 Table of Contents for MOONBI 140 President’s Report Team Leadership Thoughts on FIDO’s Future directions What is a Bioblitz? My Brother John The Pandanus Problem Project Work Paper of Weeds: Utilising the weeds of K’gari K’gari’s Dingoes Continue reading

President’s Annual Report 2018

In the last 12 months since my last Annual Report, FIDO has continued to pursue projects to protect K’gari (Fraser Island) as well as continuing our strong educational, collaborative and advocacy roles.  Much of the last year has been involved in actively planning ahead as FIDO develops its vision for 2020 both for K’gari and Continue reading

President’s Annual Report 2017

Fraser Island Defenders Organization President’s Annual Report — July 2017 In the last 12 months since my last Annual Report, FIDO has continued to pursue projects to protect K’gari (Fraser Island) as well as continuing our strong educational, collaborative and advocacy roles. Download the full report: President’s Annual Report 2017

George Haddock Track Maintenance Working Bee Easter (23rd to 29th March) 2016

Over the 2016 Easter Weekend 16 volunteers helped honour FIDO’s obligation to maintain the George Haddock Track. The team cleared 17 kms of track of any fallen timber and major regrowth During 2014 FIDO and NPAQ volunteers cleared 22.7 kms of walking-tracks along former logging tracks and roads in nine different sections of the overall 52 kilometre George Haddock Track supported by Continue reading