George Haddock Track Maintenance Working Bee Easter (23rd to 29th March) 2016

Over the 2016 Easter Weekend 16 volunteers helped honour FIDO’s obligation to maintain the George Haddock Track. The team cleared 17 kms of track of any fallen timber and major regrowth During 2014 FIDO and NPAQ volunteers cleared 22.7 kms of walking-tracks along former logging tracks and roads in nine different sections of the overall 52 kilometre George Haddock Track supported by Continue reading

Volunteers Establish a New Nature Walk on Fraser Island

Media Release 28th  February, 2016   Over the past week volunteers from the Fraser Island Defenders Organisation have worked to establish a new Nature Walk in the middle of Eurong to help people appreciate some of Fraser Island’s outstanding natural values. The 450 metre long walk that traces the path of a former sandblow was Continue reading