Dr John Sinclair AO, founder of the Fraser Island Defenders Organisation (FIDO) died on 3rd February 2019. FIDO is honoring the outstanding contribution John made to conservation generally, and Fraser Island (K’gari) in particular, by establishing the John Sinclair Memorial Lecture. This pioneering conservationist spent decades fighting first sand mining and then logging on K’gari Continue reading
Educational Articles on Fraser Island
Save the date – The Inaugural John Sinclair Memorial Lecture Saturday 7th March 2020
Dr John Sinclair AO, founder of the Fraser Island Defenders Organisation (FIDO) died on 3rd February 2019. FIDO is honoring the outstanding contribution John made to conservation generally, and Fraser Island (K’Gari) in particular, by establishing the John Sinclair Memorial Lecture. This pioneering conservationist spent decades fighting first sand mining and then logging on K’Gari Continue reading
2020 Cooloola BioBlitz on 20, 21 and 22 March 2020
Full details on the Cooloola BioBlitz Website. Download the flyer The team have an exciting lineup of expert Team Leaders across a broad range of plants, animals, insects and fungi and even a Bryophytes (moss etc) expert coming for the first time. We also have a wonderful program with a range of presenters for the evening Continue reading
Ten Basic Conservation Campaigning Rules
A few simple tips from John Sinclair Originally written in 1975 but the basic tips are just as valid in the 21stCentury 1) When in Doubt, Ask Questions: If you are not satisfied with something but you are not yet in a position to say something about it in an informed way, ask questions. This Continue reading
Spiders From the Coolola Bioblitz 24-26 August 2018
Download the full report, including stunning photographs Spiders From the Coolola Bioblitz 24-26 August 2018 © Robert Whyte 2018 Introduction Spiders (order Araneae) have proven to be highly rewarding organisms in biodiversity studies1, being an important component in terrestrial food webs, an indicator of insect diversity and abundance (their prey) and in Australia an understudied Continue reading
Summary Report of Cooloola Citizen Science BioBlitz
Weekend of 24thto 26thAugust 2018 Ninety seven people signed on for this first BioBlitz in Cooloola to document as much of the Cooloola area’s living natural resources — plants, animals, invertebrate, fungi and more, as possible. Seven target areas were defined for close scrutiny selected because they represented distinctive habitat types that were all easily Continue reading
Moonbi 136, World Heritage History and What is Wilderness
Moonbi 136 Since MOONBI 135 FIDO continues to run a busy program of engagement with the community, with traditional owners and other stakeholders in K’gari to protect its natural integrity. Some of these programs and projects are described in MOONBI including the 7th Biennial (T,T&T) Conference and the war against Jamella that FIDO has actively Continue reading
Volunteers Establish a New Nature Walk on Fraser Island
Media Release 28th February, 2016 Over the past week volunteers from the Fraser Island Defenders Organisation have worked to establish a new Nature Walk in the middle of Eurong to help people appreciate some of Fraser Island’s outstanding natural values. The 450 metre long walk that traces the path of a former sandblow was Continue reading
Badging Fraser Island (K’Gari)
During 2014-15 FIDO and Gympie Graphics developed a logo to describe Fraser Island (Kgari)’s natural values. It is hoped that this new logo will be taken up to ensure that Fraser Island (K’Gari) is as well badged as other iconic World Heritage sites in Australia. FIDO is claiming no copyright and no royalties for the Continue reading
Cultural Heritage
Aboriginal History Radio-carbon dating of cultural material has established that Aborigines were resident as long ago as 5,500 years BP (before present). It is possible that evidence of earlier occupation may still lay entombed in the sands of the Great Sandy Region. Age determination by radio carbon dating placed the time of formation of the Continue reading