FIDO’s K’Gari E-News 10

The Fraser Island Defenders Organisation has been engaged in many priority projects so far in 2017 with our biggest project our Biennial K’gari Conference coming up on 16th August. See details pp 3-5. Already there have been six working bees to restore the natural integrity of Eurong and Happy Valley and another to carry out Continue reading

FIDO’s K’Gari E-News 8

MOONBI 134 went into the mail distribution on 13th September.  It hasn’t included some of the more topical issues and these are some updates.  This issue deals almost exclusively with filling in the background to just two topical issues:  1: the establishment of the Barbara Winkley Scholarship and 2: reports from FIDO’s Annual General Meeting  Continue reading

FIDO’s K’Gari E-News 7

The last two months have been very eventful for both Fraser Island (K’Gari) and FIDO and all of this while a drawn out Federal Election campaign with serious implications for Fraser Island is being played out. FIDO’s E-News are published for topical updates between the biannual Moonbi newsletters. Download FIDO’s K’Gari E-News 7

George Haddock Track Maintenance Working Bee Easter (23rd to 29th March) 2016

Over the 2016 Easter Weekend 16 volunteers helped honour FIDO’s obligation to maintain the George Haddock Track. The team cleared 17 kms of track of any fallen timber and major regrowth During 2014 FIDO and NPAQ volunteers cleared 22.7 kms of walking-tracks along former logging tracks and roads in nine different sections of the overall 52 kilometre George Haddock Track supported by Continue reading